How do I reserve Library Rooms 101, 154, or 208?


Reserving Faculty/Staff and Community Spaces

Merill-Cazier Library has several spaces that can be reserved for meetings or other events by USU faculty and staff and other campus or public groups. For a complete list and descriptions of reservable spaces visit the Reservation Areas page.

To Reserve Room 101:

Please contact Breanna VanDyke directly at or 435-797-2647.

To Reserve Room 154:

Schedule Room 154 and other library classrooms through the EMS reservation system.

Special Note: Room 154 will be inactivated on EMS ( starting May 25, 2023.  Room 154 will be ready to reserve at starting on June 1, 2023 in the Faculty and Staff Room Reservation Areas section. 

Between May 25th and June 1st all current and upcoming reservations will be moved into the new system. No one will need to resubmit a reservation that has already been approved.

Room 154 is moving from EMS ( to Libcal ( to consolidate all library-managed rooms into one system.

To Reserve Faculty Seminar Room 208:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to Faculty and Staff Room Reservation Areas and select 208 Faculty Seminary Room.
  3. Click the available green time blocks to select your starting time.
  4. Use the drop down that appears to choose the ending time.
  5. Click Select Times and Continue.
  6. Verify the booking details and click Agree to the Terms and Conditions and Continue.
  7. Type in a name for your group or reservation to make it easier to find in case you need to look it up after you finish the booking.
  8. Click the Submit my Booking at the bottom of the screen to complete your reservation. 
  9. You will receive an automated email confirming your reservation request.
  10. You will receive a separate email to let you know if your reservation has been approved.