How can I renew Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) items?


You can apply for an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) renewal through the ILLiad system. All renewal requests are sent to the lending library. Requests should be made several days in advance of the due date to give the lending library time to respond.

If the book band on your interlibrary loan item is marked "No Renewals" it cannot be renewed. 

Overdue fines for ILL are $1.00 per day, with no maximum charge. If the item is more than two weeks overdue, your account will be blocked from ordering until the item is returned and the fine paid.

For complete instructions on renewing nterlibrary loan items and related fines, see the ILL LibGuide. You can also contact the Help & Checkout Desk at 435-797-2678 to verify that you can renew the book or to renew it over the phone.